Is buying SoundCloud play worth it?

Music is a dynamic field and musicians are always in a continuous search for the best platforms to market their talent. In the current days where SoundCloud has created an easy way to share music then people are often left wondering whether purchasing SoundCloud plays is a worthy venture. Like any other marketing approach, the answer lies in many aspects like goals, budget, and the quality of the service you have to use. Here in this blog, we will be discussing the positive and negative aspects of buying SoundCloud Play so that you can make a good decision.

What Is SoundCloud Play?

Sc plays represent the total number of times a track has been played on SoundCloud. This metric is very important for artists as it shows the extent to which the music produced by the artist has been popular and heard. More plays can bring in more listeners who do not need to be prompted, increase the perceived legitimacy, and possibly catch the eye of record labels and managers.

The Benefits of Buying SoundCloud Plays

Increased Visibility:

The most important advantage of purchasing SoundCloud plays is that it helps to attract more people’s attention. If a track has a higher play count, it is perceived to be more popular and some people will check it out. This is because people have a tendency of following up what others are interested in, mainly in relation to music. Therefore, more plays can also help in attracting plays from other users independently and hence be perceived as social proof.

Boosting Credibility:

The problem of credibility remains one of the most crucial issues for the young artists who struggle to gain recognition. Buying SoundCloud play means that artists can get an initial spike which helps them seem more popular than they actually are. This can be especially useful when contacting other artists, to request their participation in a project or when contacting record labels or promoters, because it serves as proof of your songs’ popularity.

 Algorithmic Advantage:

The best tracks are promoted by SoundCloud’s algorithm, which provides tracks with higher engagement to be ranked higher on the search and recommendations. Therefore, increasing play can help you to increase the visibility of your track on the platform and also attract organic plays and followers later.

Jumpstarting Your Career:

It is also important to note that for new artists, it may take a long time to start growing their audience and make a breakthrough. The use of SoundCloud plays for sale can act as a trigger; it helps to give the necessary push to a career, making it possible to gain popularity and trust rather quickly. This early momentum can lead to even bigger wins like getting placed on playlists that have a lot of streams or features on media outlets.

The Risks of Buying SoundCloud Plays

  • Quality of Plays: Unfortunately, not all services that offer SoundCloud plays are as effective as they may seem. Some of the traffic can come from bot or inactive accounts that are likely to generate low-quality plays and easily flagged by SoundCloud.
  • Potential for Penalties: Any attempt to artificially manipulate the number of plays is strictly prohibited according to SoundCloud’s terms of service. When the platform recognizes such activity, there is a possibility of penalties such as the elimination of the false play count or even account termination.
  • Impact on Engagement: However, play counts are not necessarily an indication of audience engagement because people tend to listen to popular stations. People may listen to your track because it is a hot track, but if they do not like what they hear, they will not like, comment, or share the track.

Choosing the Right Service

In case you consider buying SoundCloud plays as a viable strategy, then selecting a genuine provider is vital. One such reputable provider is SMGains. At SMGains, you will get real SoundCloud plays from targeted audience listeners who would help you achieve your goals effectively without compromising on your account. All things considered, SMGains can certainly be recommended as a solid, professional service to boost your play in the game among the numerous similar services out there.


Therefore, does purchasing SoundCloud plays and Buying soundcloud likes make sense? The answer depends on what you want to achieve and the quality of services that is to be offered. For many artists, buying plays can offer a huge advantage in terms of exposure, legitimacy, and, of course, algorithmic support that can be crucial for newcomers. But as always, one should not forget the dangers that lurk in the corners of the internet and should stick to reliable providers such as to make sure that you will only receive quality plays.

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